I have some sad news today. Epic Mudkip will be closing. The reason for this is that I felt no one was viewing the website. However, I have realized that WordPress sites seem to show up more often during web searches. Therefore, Epic Mudkip will be moving to WordPress, with the address pokemoninferno.wordpress.com.
I assure you, this isn't the end, it's only the beginning.
Epic Mudkip
So much info even an Arceus couldn't handle it.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Been Busy..
Hm, haven't updated this site for a long time....
Been busy with a Belly Drum/Aqua Jet Azumarill, took me forever to get one.
PokeRap for Sinnoh will come soon, if I'm not too lazy.
Been busy with a Belly Drum/Aqua Jet Azumarill, took me forever to get one.
PokeRap for Sinnoh will come soon, if I'm not too lazy.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
PokeRap for Hoenn
Slakoth, Azurill, Plusle, Shroomish,
Registeel, Snorunt, Baltoy, Corphish
Shiftry, Taillow, Surskit, Breloom,
Skitty, Minun, Volbeat, Swablu
Lileep, Claydol, Absol, Glalie,
Solrock, Wailmer, Loudred, Cradily,
Swalot, Whismur, Gardevoir, Torchic,
Mudkip, Lotad, Zigzagoon, Milotic
Treecko, Dustox, Mawile, Seedot
Aron, Lairon, Aggron, Wynaut,
Numel, Torkoal, Gulpin, Flygon,
Latios, Sealeo, Regice, Shelgon,
Combusken, Blaziken, Ludicolo, Grovyle,
Duskull, Kecleon, Metang, Sceptile,
Sableye, Hariyama, Makuhita, Meditite,
Delcatty, Camerupt, Roselia, Electrike,
Seviper, Cacnea, Armaldo, Chimecho,
Illumise, Barboach, Wurmple, Lunatone,
Pelipper, Poochyena, Luvdisc, Spinda,
Kyogre, Latias, Relicanth, Shedinja,
Kirlia, Exploud, Vigoroth, Ninjask,
Mightyena, Beautifly, Lombre, Nosepass,
Walrein, Huntail, Beldum, Groudon,
Linoone, Silcoon, Cascoon, Bagon,
Spoink, Sharpedo, Anorith, Vibrava,
Feebas, Shuppet, Deoxys, Nincada,
Whiscash, Jirachi, Spheal, Dusclops,
Cacturne, Zangoose, Ralts, Tropius,
Crawdaunt, Trapinch, Regirock, Carvanha,
Marshtomp, Nuzleaf, Masquerain, Altaria,
Slaking, Swellow, Wingull, Castform,
Rayquaza, Swampert, Manectric, Wailord,
Banette, Salamece, Clamperl, Gorebyss,
Metagross, Medicham, and there's Grumpig!
This is the Hoenn PokeRap. I hope you enjoyed it, and feel free to use it. Stay tuned for the Sinnoh PokeRap!
Registeel, Snorunt, Baltoy, Corphish
Shiftry, Taillow, Surskit, Breloom,
Skitty, Minun, Volbeat, Swablu
Lileep, Claydol, Absol, Glalie,
Solrock, Wailmer, Loudred, Cradily,
Swalot, Whismur, Gardevoir, Torchic,
Mudkip, Lotad, Zigzagoon, Milotic
Treecko, Dustox, Mawile, Seedot
Aron, Lairon, Aggron, Wynaut,
Numel, Torkoal, Gulpin, Flygon,
Latios, Sealeo, Regice, Shelgon,
Combusken, Blaziken, Ludicolo, Grovyle,
Duskull, Kecleon, Metang, Sceptile,
Sableye, Hariyama, Makuhita, Meditite,
Delcatty, Camerupt, Roselia, Electrike,
Seviper, Cacnea, Armaldo, Chimecho,
Illumise, Barboach, Wurmple, Lunatone,
Pelipper, Poochyena, Luvdisc, Spinda,
Kyogre, Latias, Relicanth, Shedinja,
Kirlia, Exploud, Vigoroth, Ninjask,
Mightyena, Beautifly, Lombre, Nosepass,
Walrein, Huntail, Beldum, Groudon,
Linoone, Silcoon, Cascoon, Bagon,
Spoink, Sharpedo, Anorith, Vibrava,
Feebas, Shuppet, Deoxys, Nincada,
Whiscash, Jirachi, Spheal, Dusclops,
Cacturne, Zangoose, Ralts, Tropius,
Crawdaunt, Trapinch, Regirock, Carvanha,
Marshtomp, Nuzleaf, Masquerain, Altaria,
Slaking, Swellow, Wingull, Castform,
Rayquaza, Swampert, Manectric, Wailord,
Banette, Salamece, Clamperl, Gorebyss,
Metagross, Medicham, and there's Grumpig!
This is the Hoenn PokeRap. I hope you enjoyed it, and feel free to use it. Stay tuned for the Sinnoh PokeRap!
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
PokeRap For Johto
Marill, Aipom, Corsola, Ampharos,
Swinub, Phanpy, Bayleef, Heracross,
Celebi, Furret, Unown, Murkrow,
Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff, Raikou,
Cleffa, Igglybuff, Pichu, Noctowl,
Lanturn, Cyndaquil, Stantler, Chinchou
Natu, Suicune, Elekid, Magby,
Smoochum, Remoraid, Teddiursa, Blissey,
Tyrogue, Slugma, Sneasel, Pineco
Yanma, Quagsire, Sudowoodo, Ho-oh,
Octillery, Skamory, Snubbull, Mantine
Chikorita, Totodile, Ledyba, Piloswine
Wooper, Politoed, Mareep, Crobat
Croconaw, Feraligatr, Flaaffy, Sentret,
Delibird, Houndour, Kingdra, Larvitar,
Wobbuffet, Girafarig, Steelix, Tyranitar
Sunkern, Xatu, Gligar, Misdreavus
Slowking, Sunflora, Quilava, Forretress,
Entei, Smeargle, Miltank, Hoothoot
Ledian, Spinarak, Togepi, Porygon2,
Typhlosion, Ariados, Togetic, Meganium,
Dunsparce, Shuckle, Pupitar, Bellossom,
Azumarill, Hitmontop, Donphan, Espeon,
Houndoom, Ursaring, Magcargo, Umbreon,
and Scizor.
And we're done!
Feel free to use this PokeRap, as I won't be.
And I can't really think of any new scary things in Pokemon, so the previous topic is gonna stop at Part 1.
Hoenn PokeRap coming up!
Swinub, Phanpy, Bayleef, Heracross,
Celebi, Furret, Unown, Murkrow,
Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff, Raikou,
Cleffa, Igglybuff, Pichu, Noctowl,
Lanturn, Cyndaquil, Stantler, Chinchou
Natu, Suicune, Elekid, Magby,
Smoochum, Remoraid, Teddiursa, Blissey,
Tyrogue, Slugma, Sneasel, Pineco
Yanma, Quagsire, Sudowoodo, Ho-oh,
Octillery, Skamory, Snubbull, Mantine
Chikorita, Totodile, Ledyba, Piloswine
Wooper, Politoed, Mareep, Crobat
Croconaw, Feraligatr, Flaaffy, Sentret,
Delibird, Houndour, Kingdra, Larvitar,
Wobbuffet, Girafarig, Steelix, Tyranitar
Sunkern, Xatu, Gligar, Misdreavus
Slowking, Sunflora, Quilava, Forretress,
Entei, Smeargle, Miltank, Hoothoot
Ledian, Spinarak, Togepi, Porygon2,
Typhlosion, Ariados, Togetic, Meganium,
Dunsparce, Shuckle, Pupitar, Bellossom,
Azumarill, Hitmontop, Donphan, Espeon,
Houndoom, Ursaring, Magcargo, Umbreon,
and Scizor.
And we're done!
Feel free to use this PokeRap, as I won't be.
And I can't really think of any new scary things in Pokemon, so the previous topic is gonna stop at Part 1.
Hoenn PokeRap coming up!
Monday, December 16, 2013
Pokeraps for every region!
Why is there only a Pokerap for Kanto? Sure, it's the best region, but the others definitely deserve a Pokerap! So that's what I'm doing. I'll be making a Pokerap for every region except Kanto, because it already has one. So stay tuned!
Scariest Pokemon/Things in Pokemon. Part 1.
1. Parasect
Many people do not know about this one. Paras is a cute little bug with mushrooms on its back. It also has a gleam in its eyes. Who knows, maybe it's looking forward to evolving. But it clearly shouldn't. See the mushrooms on its back? They're parasites. (Hence Paras' name, derived from parasite.) When it evolves, the mushrooms completely take it over, thus making Parasect a zombie. Look at its pure white eyes. Don't believe me? Let's have a look at its Pokedex entry.
''A host-parasite pair in which the parasite mushroom has taken over the host bug. Prefers damp places.'' From Red, Blue and LeafGreen.
Or another..
''The bug host is drained of energy by the mushrooms on its back. They appear to do all the thinking.'' From Yellow.
How about this one?
''A mushroom grown larger than the host’s body controls PARASECT. It scatters poisonous spores.'' From Diamond, Platinum, and all Generation 5 games.
Well, that one was pretty explicit. How about another?
''It stays mostly in dark, damp places, the preference not of the bug, but of the big mushroom on its back.'' From HeartGold.
And when there's nothing left to take from the bug?
''When nothing’s left to extract from the bug, the mushrooms on its back leave spores on the bug’s egg.'' From Crystal.
So the mushroom stays on the Pokemon for a while, takes it over, and then, when the Pokemon is near death, it scatters spores on the Pokemon's eggs so that mushrooms will take over every Paras and Parasect in the world. Wow, that was nice.
2. Lavender Town
How could I possibly do one of these without including Lavender Town? It's like Pokemon without Pikachu. Kay, so basically Lavender Town is all about death. Yes, death. There is a tower in the town called Lavender Tower, and it is just as creepy.
The tower is full of creepy girls called Channelers. They must have all smashed their heads really hard, because they say things like "Ke Ke Ke Ke", or, ''I was possessed!''
Add that to the White Hand and Buried Alive, and the earsplitting music, you got one creepy place.
Many people do not know about this one. Paras is a cute little bug with mushrooms on its back. It also has a gleam in its eyes. Who knows, maybe it's looking forward to evolving. But it clearly shouldn't. See the mushrooms on its back? They're parasites. (Hence Paras' name, derived from parasite.) When it evolves, the mushrooms completely take it over, thus making Parasect a zombie. Look at its pure white eyes. Don't believe me? Let's have a look at its Pokedex entry.
''A host-parasite pair in which the parasite mushroom has taken over the host bug. Prefers damp places.'' From Red, Blue and LeafGreen.
Or another..
''The bug host is drained of energy by the mushrooms on its back. They appear to do all the thinking.'' From Yellow.
How about this one?
''A mushroom grown larger than the host’s body controls PARASECT. It scatters poisonous spores.'' From Diamond, Platinum, and all Generation 5 games.
Well, that one was pretty explicit. How about another?
''It stays mostly in dark, damp places, the preference not of the bug, but of the big mushroom on its back.'' From HeartGold.
And when there's nothing left to take from the bug?
''When nothing’s left to extract from the bug, the mushrooms on its back leave spores on the bug’s egg.'' From Crystal.
So the mushroom stays on the Pokemon for a while, takes it over, and then, when the Pokemon is near death, it scatters spores on the Pokemon's eggs so that mushrooms will take over every Paras and Parasect in the world. Wow, that was nice.
2. Lavender Town
How could I possibly do one of these without including Lavender Town? It's like Pokemon without Pikachu. Kay, so basically Lavender Town is all about death. Yes, death. There is a tower in the town called Lavender Tower, and it is just as creepy.
The tower is full of creepy girls called Channelers. They must have all smashed their heads really hard, because they say things like "Ke Ke Ke Ke", or, ''I was possessed!''
Add that to the White Hand and Buried Alive, and the earsplitting music, you got one creepy place.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Alpha/Beta Pokemon
Today I will be discussing some of the many prototype Pokemon, and other beta/alpha things, maybe.
You might want to brace yourself for a long topic today, because it will be LOOOOOOOOOONNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!
This is the Alpha version of Qwilfish. It looks quite a lot different, with altered color and a less menacing look. But those eyes, those lips, AAAAA!!!!
This is the Alpha version of Chikorita, called Happa. It was the Grass-type starter in the demo for Pokemon Gold and Silver. It looks, well, like a Swalot-esque Chikorita.
Here's the Alpha Fire-type starter. It was also the Fire-type starter in the demo. It looks like a fiery Pikachu/Raichu. I wish it replaced the Cyndaquil line, because I hate that line.
This was the Water-Type starter in the demo. Call me crazy for saying this, but I think that it could be a Lapras prevolution. Lapras desperately needs a prevolution.
This is the Alpha Girafarig. Girafarig has never particularly been my favorite Pokemon, but this design makes it my new worst. Two Siamese giraffes. That's just creepy. How do they, um, go?
This is the prototype Marill. I love Marill, and I'm glad that this design didn't make it into the final. That's all I wanted to say.
This was a prototype Pokemon. No one knows what it was the prototype for, but I'm gonna take a guess and say Hitmontop. Some people say Cleffa, but I don't see Cleffa at all in this thing. Somehow, it reminds me of Swirlix.
This is the prototype Weedle, called Kokana. It looks like an inchworm with a hat. Sorta like Burmy. I dunno.
Well, maybe this wasn't so long, but it was fun to write! Stay tuned for more Pokemon topics!
You might want to brace yourself for a long topic today, because it will be LOOOOOOOOOONNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!
This is the Alpha version of Qwilfish. It looks quite a lot different, with altered color and a less menacing look. But those eyes, those lips, AAAAA!!!!
This is the Alpha version of Chikorita, called Happa. It was the Grass-type starter in the demo for Pokemon Gold and Silver. It looks, well, like a Swalot-esque Chikorita.
Here's the Alpha Fire-type starter. It was also the Fire-type starter in the demo. It looks like a fiery Pikachu/Raichu. I wish it replaced the Cyndaquil line, because I hate that line.
This was the Water-Type starter in the demo. Call me crazy for saying this, but I think that it could be a Lapras prevolution. Lapras desperately needs a prevolution.
This is the Alpha Girafarig. Girafarig has never particularly been my favorite Pokemon, but this design makes it my new worst. Two Siamese giraffes. That's just creepy. How do they, um, go?
This is the prototype Marill. I love Marill, and I'm glad that this design didn't make it into the final. That's all I wanted to say.
This was a prototype Pokemon. No one knows what it was the prototype for, but I'm gonna take a guess and say Hitmontop. Some people say Cleffa, but I don't see Cleffa at all in this thing. Somehow, it reminds me of Swirlix.
This is the prototype Weedle, called Kokana. It looks like an inchworm with a hat. Sorta like Burmy. I dunno.
Well, maybe this wasn't so long, but it was fun to write! Stay tuned for more Pokemon topics!
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