Monday, December 30, 2013

Epic Mudkip Closing

I have some sad news today. Epic Mudkip will be closing. The reason for this is that I felt no one was viewing the website. However, I have realized that WordPress sites seem to show up more often during web searches. Therefore, Epic Mudkip will be moving to WordPress, with the address
I assure you, this isn't the end, it's only the beginning.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Been Busy..

Hm, haven't updated this site for a long time....
Been busy with a Belly Drum/Aqua Jet Azumarill, took me forever to get one.
PokeRap for Sinnoh will come soon, if I'm not too lazy.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

PokeRap for Hoenn

Slakoth, Azurill, Plusle, Shroomish,
Registeel, Snorunt, Baltoy, Corphish
Shiftry, Taillow, Surskit, Breloom,
Skitty, Minun, Volbeat, Swablu
Lileep, Claydol, Absol, Glalie,
Solrock, Wailmer, Loudred, Cradily,
Swalot, Whismur, Gardevoir, Torchic,
Mudkip, Lotad, Zigzagoon, Milotic
Treecko, Dustox, Mawile, Seedot
Aron, Lairon, Aggron, Wynaut,
Numel, Torkoal, Gulpin, Flygon,
Latios, Sealeo, Regice, Shelgon,
Combusken, Blaziken, Ludicolo, Grovyle,
Duskull, Kecleon, Metang, Sceptile,
Sableye, Hariyama, Makuhita, Meditite,
Delcatty, Camerupt, Roselia, Electrike,
Seviper, Cacnea, Armaldo, Chimecho,
Illumise, Barboach, Wurmple, Lunatone,
Pelipper, Poochyena, Luvdisc, Spinda,
Kyogre, Latias, Relicanth, Shedinja,
Kirlia, Exploud, Vigoroth, Ninjask,
Mightyena, Beautifly, Lombre, Nosepass,
Walrein, Huntail, Beldum, Groudon,
Linoone, Silcoon, Cascoon, Bagon,
Spoink, Sharpedo, Anorith, Vibrava,
Feebas, Shuppet, Deoxys, Nincada,
Whiscash, Jirachi, Spheal, Dusclops,
Cacturne, Zangoose, Ralts, Tropius,
Crawdaunt, Trapinch, Regirock, Carvanha,
Marshtomp, Nuzleaf, Masquerain, Altaria,
Slaking, Swellow, Wingull, Castform,
Rayquaza, Swampert, Manectric, Wailord,
Banette, Salamece, Clamperl, Gorebyss,
Metagross, Medicham, and there's Grumpig!

This is the Hoenn PokeRap. I hope you enjoyed it, and feel free to use it. Stay tuned for the Sinnoh PokeRap!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

PokeRap For Johto

Marill, Aipom, Corsola, Ampharos,
Swinub, Phanpy, Bayleef, Heracross,
Celebi, Furret, Unown, Murkrow,
Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff, Raikou,
Cleffa, Igglybuff, Pichu, Noctowl,
Lanturn, Cyndaquil, Stantler, Chinchou
Natu, Suicune, Elekid, Magby,
Smoochum, Remoraid, Teddiursa, Blissey,
Tyrogue, Slugma, Sneasel, Pineco
Yanma, Quagsire, Sudowoodo, Ho-oh,
Octillery, Skamory, Snubbull, Mantine
Chikorita, Totodile, Ledyba, Piloswine
Wooper, Politoed, Mareep, Crobat
Croconaw, Feraligatr, Flaaffy, Sentret,
Delibird, Houndour, Kingdra, Larvitar,
Wobbuffet, Girafarig, Steelix, Tyranitar
Sunkern, Xatu, Gligar, Misdreavus
Slowking, Sunflora, Quilava, Forretress,
Entei, Smeargle, Miltank, Hoothoot
Ledian, Spinarak, Togepi, Porygon2,
Typhlosion, Ariados, Togetic, Meganium,
Dunsparce, Shuckle, Pupitar, Bellossom,
Azumarill, Hitmontop, Donphan, Espeon,
Houndoom, Ursaring, Magcargo, Umbreon,
and Scizor.

And we're done!

Feel free to use this PokeRap, as I won't be.
And I can't really think of any new scary things in Pokemon, so the previous topic is gonna stop at Part 1.
Hoenn PokeRap coming up!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Pokeraps for every region!

Why is there only a Pokerap for Kanto? Sure, it's the best region, but the others definitely deserve a Pokerap! So that's what I'm doing. I'll be making a Pokerap for every region except Kanto, because it already has one. So stay tuned!

Scariest Pokemon/Things in Pokemon. Part 1.

1. Parasect
Many people do not know about this one. Paras is a cute little bug with mushrooms on its back. It also has a gleam in its eyes. Who knows, maybe it's looking forward to evolving. But it clearly shouldn't. See the mushrooms on its back? They're parasites. (Hence Paras' name, derived from parasite.) When it evolves, the mushrooms completely take it over, thus making Parasect a zombie. Look at its pure white eyes. Don't believe me? Let's have a look at its Pokedex entry.
''A host-parasite pair in which the parasite mushroom has taken over the host bug. Prefers damp places.'' From Red, Blue and LeafGreen.
Or another..
''The bug host is drained of energy by the mushrooms on its back. They appear to do all the thinking.'' From Yellow.
How about this one?
''A mushroom grown larger than the host’s body controls PARASECT. It scatters poisonous spores.'' From Diamond, Platinum, and all Generation 5 games.
Well, that one was pretty explicit. How about another?
''It stays mostly in dark, damp places, the preference not of the bug, but of the big mushroom on its back.'' From HeartGold.
And when there's nothing left to take from the bug?
''When nothing’s left to extract from the bug, the mushrooms on its back leave spores on the bug’s egg.'' From Crystal.
So the mushroom stays on the Pokemon for a while, takes it over, and then, when the Pokemon is near death, it scatters spores on the Pokemon's eggs so that mushrooms will take over every Paras and Parasect in the world. Wow, that was nice.

2. Lavender Town
How could I possibly do one of these without including Lavender Town? It's like Pokemon without Pikachu. Kay, so basically Lavender Town is all about death. Yes, death. There is a tower in the town called Lavender Tower, and it is just as creepy.
The tower is full of creepy girls called Channelers. They must have all smashed their heads really hard, because they say things like "Ke Ke Ke Ke", or, ''I was possessed!''
Add that to the White Hand and Buried Alive, and the earsplitting music, you got one creepy place.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Alpha/Beta Pokemon

Today I will be discussing some of the many prototype Pokemon, and other beta/alpha things, maybe.

You might want to brace yourself for a long topic today, because it will be LOOOOOOOOOONNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!

 This is the Alpha version of Qwilfish. It looks quite a lot different, with altered color and a less menacing look. But those eyes, those lips, AAAAA!!!!
This is the Alpha version of Chikorita, called Happa. It was the Grass-type starter in the demo for Pokemon Gold and Silver. It looks, well, like a Swalot-esque Chikorita.

 Here's the Alpha Fire-type starter. It was also the Fire-type starter in the demo. It looks like a fiery Pikachu/Raichu. I wish it replaced the Cyndaquil line, because I hate that line.

 This was  the Water-Type starter in the demo. Call me crazy for saying this, but I think that it could be a Lapras prevolution. Lapras desperately needs a prevolution.
 This is the Alpha Girafarig. Girafarig has never particularly been my favorite Pokemon, but this design makes it my new worst. Two Siamese giraffes. That's just creepy. How do they, um, go?

This is the prototype Marill. I love Marill, and I'm glad that this design didn't make it into the final. That's all I wanted to say.

 This was a prototype Pokemon. No one knows what it was the prototype for, but I'm gonna take a guess and say Hitmontop. Some people say Cleffa, but I don't see Cleffa at all in this thing. Somehow, it reminds me of Swirlix.

This is the prototype Weedle, called Kokana. It looks like an inchworm with a hat. Sorta like Burmy. I dunno.

Well, maybe this wasn't so long, but it was fun to write! Stay tuned for more Pokemon topics!

Friday, December 13, 2013


There are many Pokemon myths that are going around, or have gone around in the past. Today I will talk about some of them.

If you use Strength on the truck in R/B/Y, you will find Mew.
Everyone knows this one is false. Everyone.

There are hackers putting Bad Eggs on Wonder Trade.
Yeah, right. Never seen proof of this, and I've Wonder Traded enough times to get awesome IV and nature Pokemon, high-level Pokemon, and WHAT? YVELTAL? Yes, I've gotten Yveltal through Wonder Trade. But never Bad Egg. Though in BW2 it was fun putting Action Replay glitched Pokemon up for trade. Mehehehe.

Venomoth and Butterfree were switched.
I'm a big fan of this one. Just look at the resemblance! In fact, on my laptop I've named this picture youknowitstrue.

Ash went through a coma.

The original Lavender Tower boss was Buried Alive.
I really don't see any reason to believe this, but there is also no reason to not believe it. It's totally up to you. Although, the Game Boy does not handle gif images...

Jynx, Magmar and Electabuzz were the original legendary trio.
A racist, disgustingly proportioned ice thing with kissy lips, a fiery thing with a butt for a head, and a yellow tiger standing on its hind legs with the worst cry ever. No.

Splash is a OHKO 0.000001% of the time.
How do you know this isn't true? You haven't used Splash that often...

More coming later!

Pokemon or PokeMonsters?

Okay, so technically Pokemon is derived from the words 'Pocket' and 'Monsters', but there are some very scary parts of Pokemon. Pokemon X and Y have fit right in with the Old Chateau's and Lavender Town's of the past. But sometimes, it just gets way too over the top. I'll list some scary incidents here.

No, you are not the one.
Okay, so Hex Maniacs are just creepy in general. Look at the picture.
But in one certain hotel at Lumiose City, one of these goth creeps pops up behind you and scares the crap outta you. I'm not gonna spoil this for you, do it yourself.

Lavender Town
The music is scary enough. (No, it does not cause children to commit suicide). But, a town dedicated to death? That's too creepy for an E-rated game. Add Pokemon Tower, Buried Alive, the guy who tells you about the white hand on your shoulder, Gary's Raticate, and Ghost, and you have one creepy place.

Old Chateau
You can get here quite early in Diamond and Pearl. I just happened to stumble upon this place randomly and was quite unnerved. The music, the ghosts, Rotom, and all that crap is too scary for me. And I'm not scared of much.

Dead Girl on Marvelous Bridge
Look it up. Scared me from going to Marvelous Bridge

The Same Girl In Strange House
The same girl appears in Strange House. Darkrai killed her, and she gives you the Lunar Wing to take to Cresselia.

That's about all I can think of for now! Stay Tuned!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

How Many Generations of Pokemon Will We Get?

Sometimes I wonder when Pokemon will stop. I hope it doesn't until I'm dead, but that's probably not gonna happen. Some people say X and Y are the last, some say that Gen VII will be the last, and some say 10 or 12. I'd say 8 or 9. I hope there are more than that, however.

Red, Green, and Blue were developed by a small company called Game Freak, which originally was a magazine. Due to the unexpected success of these games, Yellow was made. Later, Gold, Silver and Crystal were made, and they were expected to be the last Pokemon games. But oh, no they weren't. With 23 main series titles now (I think), they definitely didn't stop there. Fans pressured them to make more. And so, Ruby and Sapphire came out, followed by Emerald, FireRed and LeafGreen.

Game Freak probably decided that Pokemon was too popular to stop, so they made generations 4-6. And now, we're on X and Y. They sold 4 million copies in the first two weeks. Wait, did I say weeks? I meant days. 4 million copies in two days. 2 million copies in one day. I don't think Game Freak is going to stop until Pokemon starts losing popularity.

But Pokemon is becoming quite different. Now, we have to worry about type chart changes, gazillions of new moves and abilities, and plenty of new locations. X and Y didn't introduce too many new Pokemon, so that's good, but I think that one of these days Game Freak should just stop making complicated Pokemon designs, maps, moves, abilities and types and just go back to the original things, like how Kanto was so simple and so were the first generations Pokemon designs, such as Electrode or Pikachu. Not complicated like Florges, Kyurem or Chesnaught.

Anyway, I can't wait to see the seventh generation and the remakes of R/S/E. Stay tuned for more Pokemon info!

MissingNo. Kangaskhan Theory: True or False?

This theory states that Marowak was originally supposed to evolve into Kangaskhan, but there was a last-minute change that resulted in the developers having to move the data for that evolution to an unused hexadecimal slot, thus resulting in MissingNo. Today I will attempt to either prove or disprove this theory. Here I go!

Supporting Evidence:
Kangaskhan's child looks a bit like Cubone without the skull.
Cubone cries for its dead mother. Kangaskhan is the Parent Pokemon, and is always female.
In Glittering Cave (X and Y), you can encounter Cubone in the same spot as Kangaskhanite.
They do look a bit alike.
It would definitely explain MissingNo.
Kangaskhan has decently higher stats than Marowak, who has low stats for an evolved Pokemon.
Kangaskhan has a helmet-like patch on its head.

Disproving Evidence:
Kangaskhan and the Cubone line have a large difference in size.
Infant Kangaskhans and Cubones are different colors.
If a Cubone is bred, it is wearing a skull but the mother is still alive, with its skull.
Kangaskhan is a female only species; Cubone is 50/50
There are many coincidences like this, such as Venonat/Butterfree, Luvdisc/Alomomola and Entei/Raikou/Suicune=Flareon/Jolteon/Vaporeon
They aren't next to each other in the Pokedex.
Thinking about it again. they don't look TOO similar.

Did I prove or debunk this theory? You decide.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I'm Sorry...

Epic Mudkip has become quite boring lately. (Look at that last post.) I'm really sorry about the drop in quality. I'll try to advertise it, to make it more popular, thus motivating me to do more awesome stuff to it. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Few Things I'd Like To Say

Okay, here are a few things I wanted to say.

I found out where to find the Hex Maniac listening for the elevator. 4th floor of Hotel Richissime.

Psychic-types are weak to Bug, Ghost and Dark. Psychic has to do with the mind. Three of the minds fears are bugs, ghosts, and the dark. Coincidence? Most definitely not.

Parasect is a zombie, you know. The mushroom has taken over its back. LOOK AT THE POKEDEX ENTRY!

That's what I wanted to get out of my mind. Peace.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Mudkip Theories #4: Lumiose City Hex Maniac

By now, most everyone knows about the Hex Maniac in Lumiose City. If you can't find her, go to Lumiose City. Skate or bike around the outer circle of the boulevards, and go into all those unmarked buildings. If you see a little boy in one of the buildings, talk to him. If he says something about his Clauncher or something having 100 Attack, you're in the right building. Go to Floor 2. Experience this.

Here's my take on this event that has no explanation.

A few years ago, a Hex Maniac lived in Lumiose City. She went around, annoying everyone. One day, she was lounging in a lobby of one of those unmarked buildings on the outskirts of the city. No one wanted to be near her, so they left the building. She heard a sound coming from the elevator. Rising from her seat to investigate, she discovered that Hoopa was coming through the elevator. Hoopa decided to put an end to her trolling, and killed her.
Two days later, she awoke. Now a Ghost, when she attacked Hoopa, her attacks would be extremely effective. She waited by the elevator. When the player goes through, she frisks him or her, but always says,
"No, you're not the one."
She is waiting for Hoopa. And I bet that when the Hoopa event comes around, she'll have something to do with it. Just a guess.
Oh, and did you notice that after this event happens, another Hex Maniac, probably her, waits by the elevator, and says she's listening for it? Just sayin'.

Mudkip's Ressurection

That's right, Mudkip is back, and now with Pokemon X! Yes, I can now do many topics about 6th Generation. Keep watching.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Epic Mudkip's POKEMON REVIEWS: Diamond Version

Graphics: Up until I got Diamond, I had only played Ruby. When I started on Diamond, I was amazed with the graphics. They get a bit boring as the game progresses, but they were nearly as good as Generation 5, and when you encounter Dialga, the graphics are AMAZING.

 Plot: Sadly, Graphics might be the only good thing in this game. The plot was boring, basically Team Galactic going around trolling. Not much else. I felt they didn't really introduce you to the Champion, Cynthia, that well. She only appeared 2 or 3 times before the Elite Four battle, and didn't do much..

New Pokemon: Finally, I can talk about how much I hate the designs of Generation 4. Really? Skuntank? It's a skunk. Not a Pokemon. Purugly? Just because you try to make it ugly doesn't mean it's a good idea. Infernape? Flaming monkey. Very creative. NOT. While Infernape may be good competitively, he's not good design-wise. And Drifloon? A Pokemon that pretends to be a balloon, then kidnaps children? Man, if we have little kids playing Pokemon these days, I bet they're bursting into tears at every birthday party. Sheesh Gamefreak. You could've been more creative here. Even Generation 5 was better.

Music: Decent music. In Old Chateau, the music creeped me out so much I was scared to play at night, or when I was alone. They did get lazy when they were working on the church. as it has no music.

Map: Boring map. The cities all seemed repetitive, and there wasn't too much to do after beating the game.

Overall, this game gets 5.2 points out of 10. Hope you enjoyed this review!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Great Pokemon YouTubers

Here are my 3 favorite Pokemon YouTubers. You should really watch them, they are excellent.

Lueroi--He has excellent walkthroughs, and is very funny. If you like Marriland, (I'm not really a Marriland fan, but everyone says these two are similar) then try Lueroi. He inspired me to make this site, no joke.

TheJWittz--Everyone watches TheJWittz. But no one told me about him, I just randomly stumbled across a video of his, the one about Ash never aging. That video convinced me to suscribe.

TamashiiHiroka--She pretty much inspired me to write that last article about how Pokemon is for people of all ages. And I just stumbled across her today, literally. Pretty interesting videos.

Why Anyone Can Play Pokemon

This is something I've been dying to go over for years, so let's get started. Pokemon really doesn't have an age restriction. Many Pokemon fans have friends, usually peers, who don't play Pokemon and ridicule them for playing it. This is ridiculous. I guarantee that if they just tried the game, they'd be playing it, too.
Pokemon's target age is around 7-11 years old. But not many 7-11 year-olds play it. Let me put it this way.
That's exactly how to put it.
Problem is, no one pays attention to the games ratings these days. eC is for any age. E is for 6+. E10+ is for 10 and up. See where I'm going? T is for 13 and up. So why do we have 6 or 7 year-olds playing T-rated games? It just gets worse. M is for 17+, so why do we have 7-9 year-olds playing Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto? But you can't really be too young or too old to play Pokemon. Which makes it a great game.
Ever seen a kid playing Pokemon X/Y? Probably not. Pokemon tends to be more of a college-age thing these days.
So, if you don't care when your friends mock you for playing Pokemon, and play it anyway, that's a sign that you're more mature than they are.
Hope you all liked this!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Epic Mudkip's POKEMON REVIEWS: Ruby Version

This is a new series for Epic Mudkip. Basically, I'll be reviewing Pokemon games and rating them. This first one is on Pokemon Ruby, one of my favorites.

Graphics: The graphics could have been much better, compared to other GameBoy Advance games I've seen. Who knows, if they were a bit better, maybe Pokemon Diamond would have looked like Pokemon X and Y. I'll give the graphics a

Plot: I loved the plot. Basically, Team Magma tries to steal Groudon to dry up the seas, making more room for land Pokemon. You have to chase them all over Hoenn, but, they eventually get the Orb and control Groudon. It turns out to be a disaster, and you have to defeat/capture Groudon to end the burning sunlight disaster thingy. I'll give plot a

New Pokemon: Wow. A lot to say about this. Generation III introduced so many of my favorite Pokemon, such as Mudkip, Blaziken, Treecko, Swalot, Glalie, Slaking, Breloom, and Rayquaza. Not to mention Wynaut, Manectric, Metagross, Sceptile, Azurill, and Tropius. For all of you who say Game Freak started running out of Pokemon ideas after Generation I, just look at Generation III.

Music: Loved the music. The music makes up for everything that the graphics screw up. While it can give you extreme headaches at times, (such as the Drought theme), the Mt. Pyre and Elite Four themes make up for that.

Map: The locations in this map were very interesting. The Abandoned Ship, creepy as it was, was fun to explore, and had a few useful items hidden in it. I liked how you could get to the roof of the department store, wishing for a hack or something that lets you jump off. Game Over. Splat. The best parts of all were the Safari Zone and the Trick Master's house. The Safari Zone had tons of unique Pokemon, and the Trick Master's house was something I wished would happen again in later games.

Overall, this game gets 8.1 points out of 10. Hope you enjoyed this review!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Ash's Coma Theory, and Why It's Garbage

I assume you have already heard of this theory. If not, google 'ash coma' , and this creepypasta will be the first thing that pops up. Here is what I think of this theory.
So, the theory states that after Pikachu zapped Ash, Ash promptly went into a coma and imagined the rest of his journey, while in the coma, and that by completing his journey, he could escape the coma. This is absolute crap. I'll do as much as I can to disprove it, now.

"This theory explains why Ash doesn't physically change much."
Really, how many children's shows have you seen where the main character ages? And even if Ash did age, throughout the whole length of the series, he'd still be only about 12. 12, 10, not much difference. And he does look a little different...

"It explains why everything was calm when he started."
Every movie/TV show starts out normal and peaceful, and then gets into the swing of things and gets adventurous. Ash was just beginning. He hadn't hardly left his TOWN yet.

"It's why, when he goes to a new region, no one knows him, even though he has placed high in the Pokemon Leagues."
Ever heard of a Chinese pop star? Name one. Tick, tock, tick. Time's up! Betcha didn't get any. There ARE some however. You just didn't know them, because we are in a different culture. Same thing goes for the anime. No one knew Ash, because their culture was different, and they were too busy focusing on THEIR regions trainers.

"It explains why Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy are in every city. Ash recognized them from his hometown, and in his dream, imagined them everywhere."
Game Freak was too busy working on other things to care about working on a nurse or policewoman for EVERY city, which is like, over 100. That's more minor characters than there are Pokemon in certain generations.

I hope I've convinced everyone that this is garbage. Bye.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A Few Things I'd Like To Go Over

Charizard is 5'07", people. Not 9'07", 5'07", which is 5 inches taller than me, and I'm a 13-year-old who hasn't even had a growth spurt yet. Charizard is MUCH smaller than we think he is, even though the anime depicts Ash's runt Charizard (Yes, it's a runt!) at the same size as a Dragonite, which is over 7 feet tall.
This is Hitmonchan's Generation 1 sprite. Think it looks unusual? Probably not if you haven't heard the little joke about it. If you look closely at it, you'll see it looks like a Togekiss watching a Doduo take a dump. Look at the photo below.
See it? Now try to un-see it.
Sorry, ugly dude screaming "WHY!?!" I've never been able to un-see it either. :P
This one might be hard to see, being blurry and all, but it's by far the best fan theory I've ever heard of. It talks about how Venomoth and Butterfree may have been switched before the game's release. Look at the similarites between Venonat and Butterfree. They have the same antennae, eyes, mouth, teeth, feet, hands, and somewhat similar color. Now look and Metapod and Venomoth. Same eyes, same, uhmm, nothing much similar between those two. But Venomoth and Caterpie? Eyes, head, body, yeah, I think the evolutions were switched.
Stay tuned for more interesting topics like this!

A Few Things I Drew

Just a few things I drew. Hint: If you wanna make things like these, use Paint, which comes with all Windows computers.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Pokemon Ruby Sequel Revealed!

Yes, there will be a sequel to Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire! Game Freak has answered our pleas for sequels and decided to make some! Here's the box art for the RoaringRuby Version, as it it called:
There will be no remake, at least not like this one. However, a remake was hinted at in X and Y, the games I STILL don't have...
Keep watching. I just discovered making fake box art is extremely fun...

Epic Mudkip - New Logo Coming Soon!

Yes, That's Right, Epic Mudkip IS GETTING A NEW LOGO! The old logo is really stupid, a Mudkip with a unibrow. The new logo should be done 15 minutes from now. Stay tuned!

BAD Puns.

If there's one thing I'm good at, it's bad puns! So let's get to some bad Pokemon puns!

How do you get a Pikachu onto a train?
You Pokemon!

What is the healthiest Pokemon?

How do you get a Pikachu onto a train?
Audino. (I dunno) (I take credit for coming up with this)

What's Team Rocket's phone number?
1-800-KROOKADIAL (Ok that was really bad..)(I Take credit for coming up with this)

What is the fastest Pokemon?
A-Zoom-arill! (I take credit for coming up with this.)

What Pokemon has no hair?
Girafa-wig! (I take credit for coming up with this.)

What Pokemon likes fruit?
Peach-u! (MAKE IT STOP!) (Made this up myself, feel free to use all of my original puns.)

What Pokemon can get a driver's license?
LuCARio. (AHhhhhhhhHHH) (made this up, you can use it too.)

How do you know when a Pokemon is sick?
It'll start Koffing, and then it will start Weezing.

What do you do with sick Pokemon?
You Kyurem. (Cure 'em.)  (Sadly, I made this one up. Do me a solid and use it.)

How do you know when Kyurem sneaks up on you?
He's Cilan and Chili. (Silent and Chilly.) (It's bad, but it's mine. I'll share it, though.)

What does a friendly Pokemon say to greet you?
They can't talk. (This is my pun, you can use it.)

What would they say if they could talk?
Ho-oh. (Hello. And yes, this one was made by me. But, as always, you're more than welcome to use it.)

What Pokemon fights itself?
Dragonite. (Dragon-knight.) (It's so bad it makes me cry, but it's the child of my brain. Use it.)

What Pokemon kidnapped Pory?
Porygon. (Pory-gone. This is bad, use it. Don't want to live knowing it's mine.)

What Pokemon killed Pory?
Porygon,2. (Also mine. You can have it.)

Wait, What Pokemon kidnapped Pory?
Porygon-Z. (Porygon, see? Take it, even though it's mine.)

More coming later. Hope you enjoyed! And feel free to use these. They weren't all mine, they were only mine if I said they were.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Mudkip Theories #3--Old Chateau

Here is my theory on how Old Chateau came to be. If you've never heard of this place, you haven't played D/P/P.
Fantina and her daughter lived together in an old house. Their butler lived with them, and raised the girl like a father. Fantina had to run some errands in Hearthome City one day, and she left them at the house. While she was gone, Gastly took over the house. The girl was too young to have any Pokemon, but the butler fought back at the Gastly with his Rotom. The Gastly swiftly annihilated the girl and the butler, but Rotom kept knocking out many Gastly. The Gastly chased Rotom throughout the house. Rotom, knowing it was outnumbered, hid inside the television. Some Gastly went throughout Sinnoh, getting rid of every Rotom in hope of knocking out the real one.This is why the Rotom in Old Chateau is the only one you can find. The Rotom of Old Chateau remained inside the television, forever, and was never found by Gastly. Gastly hid inside the statues, paintings and everything. When Fantina came back, she was astonished. She became a Ghost-type Gym Leader so that she could learn more about her dead loved ones. There's my theory on Old Chateau.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Mudkip Theories 2---Why Ash Is Forever 10

This causes so many people so much trouble. It's really simple, to be honest. Ready? Ok. Here's the theory.
How many children's shows have you seen where the main character ages, and eventually dies? None. It just doesn't happen. Plus, Game Freak probably thought it was smart to make the main character of the anime about the same age as the Pokemon fans. As someone who is still playing Pokemon, despite being older than 10, I think this is ridiculous. But still, it probably seemed logical to them.
Now there's the theory. Stop talking about these absurd comas.

Da Mudkip is back in the house!

I'm back forreal this time. I've come up with some more Mudkip theories. And also, I may move to a real website soon instead of this blogsite. Considering Wordpress. Anyway, stay tuned.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I'm Back! After an 11-Day Break! :P

I've been extremely busy for a while, so I haven't had time to update the site with news and such. But, I'm back and ready for more! I STILL don't have X or Y yet, may not get them for some time, but I may also start with YouTube for Top 10's, Playthroughs and stuff like that.


Friday, October 18, 2013

Weakest Pokemon Ever-Part 3

Of course Sunkern had to be one of my Weakest Pokemon Ever. But it literally is the weakest Pokemon ever! It has the lowest stats, 30 points each stat, for a total of 180. It does learn some pretty good moves, however, such as Giga Drain, SolarBeam, Double-Edge, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball, and Leech Seed. But that's like giving a car to a 2-year old. They can't do anything with it. Sunflora doesn't make up for Sunkern's weakness either. Almost no Speed and Defense at all, not much HP or Attack, and hardly decent Special Defense. However, you can't complain about its 105 Special Attack, and with Solar Power, it's a total beast. Maybe it's worth raising a Solar Power Sunkern into Sunflora. But maybe it's just not worth it.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Weakest Pokemon Ever-Part 2

Yes, I've expressed lots of hatred for Unown on this site, but there's just so much to hate about it! Horrible stats, Attack and Sp Attack are its best stats but still so low its hardly tolerable, and all the other stats are almost nonexistent. Does it sound terrible yet? Yes, it probably does, but for the final nail in the coffin, the only move it learns is Hidden Power. Hidden Power isn't any kind of signature move. ALMOST EVERY SINGLE POKEMON CAN USE IT!!!!!!!! And it's crappy anyway! So, now you see why I like to complain about Unown every chance I get. Oh? You don't see why? I'll give you another reason why. IT HAS NO EVOLUTION! So not only is it potentially worse then Magikarp anyway, but it can't escape the terrible form it's in, unlike Magikarp. Way to go, Unown.

Lumiose City Glitch

I thought that a Generation 6 glitch might make for a good topic, and I found this one. So, apparently, sometimes when you save on the streets of Lumiose City, you will lose your save data and have to restart. A fix for this is pressing the home button for about 5 minutes. Don't know if this works, because I still don't have X or Y, but I'm still planning on getting X this weekend if possible, and then I'll probably make about 50 posts a day.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

New Pokemon Evolutions Made by Mudkip

This first one is a Magikarp evolution. Pretty much all I did was mess with the fin, enlarge the tail, make the thing on the top of its head larger, and made its eye less round. But still, it looks pretty cool. I'd still want Gyarados though.
The next one is a Geodude evolution. I just flipped its eyes upside down, added arms on the bottom and made the top arms fists larger. I prefer this to Graveler, definitely.
Dragonite just doesn't look anything like Dragonair. However this Pokemon, which I've named Wingonair, definitely does. I made the wings on its head larger and flipped them, added a horn on the top of its head and messed with the maraca thing on the end of its tail. Much better than the stupid-looking Dragonite.
Yes, the background looks like a puzzle, but this Machop evolution looks pretty, umm, macho? Though the mohawk looks stupid and the legs are oversized... I dunno what I was thinking.
This Girafarig evolution is the first evolution I made for a Pokemon that doesn't already have one. I was gonna named it Girafarig spelled backwards, but what is Girafarig spelled backwards? Think about that. Anyway, I put the Chain Chomp thingy as its head and its head as the tail. Not too complicated.
This last one isn't a Natu evolution, but a Natu form. Don't know what to call it.....

Mudkip Theories #1 ---- Unown was originally a glitch.

In my opinion, Unown being a glitch would explain a whole lot. First, the very uncreative names. Yes, there are other uncreative names such as Farfetch'd, Stunky, Pidgey, Ditto, the list could go on for hours, but Unown? Unknown, with a k and an n removed. An abbreviation for Unknown. Like MissingNo is an abbreviation for Missing Number. This is my theory on how Unown came into existence.

       So, one day the staff at Game Freak were testing G/S or something, and they discovered a glitch Pokemon in the Ruins of Alph. In fact, it was the only thing that would appear. There were 28 forms. Some of the forms resembled letters, similar to MissingNo. They couldn't seem to get rid of it, so they changed its forms a bit to resemble letters, and with the two remaining forms, they made an exclamation point and a question mark, which still isn't very creative.

      So I think Unown was originally only there to occupy hexidecimal slots. Which is why it hardly seems like a Pokemon and has the crappiest name in existence. If you think you can prove me wrong, comment.

Weakest Pokemon Ever-Part 1

Well, I'm not being too creative or anything, but it my opinion, and most everyone else's, Magikarp is the weakest Pokemon. Not because of its stats, because it has decent speed and there are a few with lower stats, but because of it umm, weak movepool. Splash, Tackle, Flail and Bounce hardly make for a good moveset, Flail can't be learned before it evolves, and Bounce can only be learned from a Move Tutor. The only redeeming quality about Magikarp is its beast evolution.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Humans related to Pokemon?

If you have ever played Pokemon, you've obviously had one. But did you ever think that Pokemon may be distant relatives of humans in the Pokemon world?

In Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, there is a book with a myth in the library, which I believe is in Canalave City. It implies that humans and Pokemon used to be the same, and the Japanese version of the games even implies marriage. If you want more information on Canalave myths, watch thejwittz's YouTube video called Crazy Canalave Myths.

Also, Kadabra's Pokedex entry says this.

"It happened one morning. A boy woke up transformed into Kadabra."

Yes, creepy as it is, Pokemon may be related to humans. So every time you capture a Pokemon, you could be capturing a distant relative. Really creepy if you think about it.

Epic Mudkip is here.

Yup, this is Epic Mudkip, a site dedicated to sharing Pokemon info! Share this site with friends so we can keep it going. Thanks!